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Background picture of bread and cup, representing communion

Who we are

The people of First United Methodist Church come from all religious backgrounds, and we represent every age group from infant to adult.  Some families have been part of this congregation for generations, while others joined us less than a year ago. We all have this in common: we believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we want to follow Christ faithfully.  We have experienced God’s grace, and we are eager to share that grace with others. Follow the links at the top of this page to learn more about  how you can become part of our growing ministry here in New Ulm!

What we do

As United Methodists, we seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To do that, we accept Christ’s call to reach new people (the Great Commission, Matt. 28:19-20), cultivate spiritual vitality
(the Great Commandment, Matt. 22:37-40), and heal a broken world
(the Great Proclamation, Luke 4:16-21).  We express our faith in worship that draws us near to God through prayer, praise, scripture, and sacraments, and we look for ways to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world, recognizing the strong connection between personal faith and social justice.

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