First United Methodist Church

Loving God and Neighbor, Reaching New People, Healing a Broken World

Kids & Youth
Our congregation has undergone some transitions recently. We are in a new worship space at 125 S. Broadway, New Ulm, and trying to regroup and basically start over. As we do this, our ministries to young people are integrated in our current weekly activities like worship or faith formation. Everything is intergenerational right now.
On Sunday mornings, we have a special "children's time" often with a video for our young people to have a special time with them to explore faith. Children and youth are welcome to participate as they and/or their families desire.
Feel free to discuss options with our pastor as it is our intent to activily engage all of our people at every age level!
For our young chiildren, we do also have “busy bags” available as you enter the sanctuary, which offer pages to color and such related to our scripture texts.